Current status, concept, next steps.
Trackography is an observatory of the third party trackers in Internet websites;
The goal is raise awareness on trackers presence and implication.
Has not to be confunded with other tool, like Lightbean,, Ghostery or
ADBlockPlus that monitor your personal navigation in order to display tracking.
These tools are useful for the user itself, while Trackography want study the global phenomena.
Since the CCC release to now
Made experiment to tackle smaller group:
Take the browser history of three community leaders and make that analysisBenefit: much more concrete analysis, partnership and target
Corporate surveillance is creating unprotected collection of sensitive data, from the long term analysis of apparently meaningless information. These entities are able to describe in details everyone.
Laws at the moment can't protect you or you society
We can measure the phenomena and provide solutions.
Information Warfare
The term Information Warfare (IW) is primarily a United States Military concept involving the use and management of information and communication technology in pursuit of a competitive advantage over an opponent.
In order to do that, you need: knowing your target (profiling) and influence the target knowledge development (algorithm ranking influence)
Still without prioritization
Talk with these activist and figure out which data/analysis can help their job.
Interaction Design - ArtEZ the infrastructure analysis makes the support hard, we can just get rid of that,and map the most accessed 500 website per country
At the moment the third party world is considered all the same.
Are all the countries the same ? we don't think so, ranking them and consider the law which our data are subjected
Map history + tools infrastructure usage
For example: from Saudi Arabia if you use CCC Jabber server, you pass through ITA/USA/UK networks. A good reason to use Jabber with a Tor proxy.
The Least concerned media in #Canada is #Dharmatoday
From #Germany network you touch #USA infrastructure 95% of the time you navigate on a media
How a profile looks like ?